There will be three trimesters for classes Nursery to U.K.G.i.e. a) ApriltoJuly b) AugusttoNovember c) DecembertoMarch There will be no formal examinations, grading or ranking. A detailed descriptive report card on all the aspects of the child will be given at the end of every trimester. Evaluation will be made on the basis of continuous observation of the child throughout the trimester. Each and every aspect of the personality of the,child will be observed and reported through the report card at the end of every trimester.
Classes-I & II
There will be three unit tests for the children. Written evaluation will be taken of all the 4 subjects. The first two tests will be of 25 marks each and the last test falling at the end of the session will be of 50 marks each. The syllabus of the test will be given to the children 10 days prior to the commencement of the same.
There will be one Unit Test and two Examinations for the children of classes-III to V of all the subjects. The Unit Test will be of 25 marks and Half-Yearly and Final Examinations will be of 100 marks each. There will be a Practical Evaluation of computer subject twice a year. The dates of the tests and evaluations will be given to the children 10 days prior to the commencement of the same.
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